Greg McVerry is an Associate Professor of Education at Southern Connecticut State University. He received a doctorate in educational psychology from University in Connecticut as a Neag Fellow serving in the New Literacies Research Lab.Greg teaches and researches at the intersection of literacy and technology.
Dr. McVerry serves on the Board of Directors of the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven. He is was the e-editor of the Literacy Research Association and member of the technology, communication, and literacy committee. Greg is was also a member of the media and digital literacies collaborative of NCTE. He is was also the new literacies section editor for the Connecticut Reading Association Journal. He has published and presented dozens of articles and papers in national and international journals.
Greg is involved in many school wide initiatives to improve literacy outcomes using technology. He is an active member of the IndieWeb community. Dr. McVerry was recognized in 2016 by Mozilla Foundation, makers of Firfox, as one of 50 people protecting the Open Web. In 2006 Dr. McVerry was awarded the Connecticut Educator Computer Educator of the Year in 2006 for his work on Mythology and digital texts. He taught students to compare reading from print to pixel, start their own blogs, use threaded discussions, and think about website credibility. Basically Dr. McVerry taught fake news before it was a thing. In 2015 Dr. McVerry was selected for the Joan Finn Junior Scholar Research Fellowship. Greg built a class called #QuestionTheWeb and also worked with Mozilla to help create and test Thimble.
You can book Dr. McVerry for keynote talks, conference talks or your next professional development project.
Current Curriculum Vitae
Greg is also a proud father of three boys, John, Ben, and Dan. He loves the outdoors, writing, and reading.
132 responses on “About Me”
Hi Greg,
Not sure how you want the image to display, but I had a quick pass at this:
Tantek Çelik is attending.
I post everywhere
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