McVerry, J. G. & O’Byrne, W. I. (2015). Complex literature: Coding, connecting and creating for  Understanding. In K. Pytash & R. Fertig (Eds). Technology and Reading Instruction.

O’Byrne, W. I. & McVerry, J. G. (2015). Online Research and Media Skills: An instructional model to support students as they search and sift online informational text.. In K. Pytash & R. Fertig (Eds). Technology and Reading Instruction.

McVerry, J. G., Belshaw, D., & O’Byrne, W.I. (in press). Guiding Students as they Explore, Build, and Connect Online. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.

McVerry, J. G. (2015). Teaching credibility using Mozilla’s webmaker tools. Connecticut Reading Association Journal.

O’Byrne, I., McVerry, G.J., Pytash, K., Rish, R.M., Shields, M., & Wise, J. (in press). Case Study: #WalkMyWorld Project. In E. Gordon & P. Milhailidis (Eds.), Civic Media Reader. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

McVerry, J. G., O’Byrne, I.,  Pytash, K., Rish, R.M., Shields, M., & Wise, J. (in press). The #WalkMyWorld Project. In E. Gordon & P. Milhailidis (Eds.), Civic Media Project. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Available online at:

McVerry, J. G. (2013). The internet and adolescent readers: Exploring relationships between online reading comprehension, priorknowledge, critical evaluation, and dispositions. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertations. Storrs, CT.

Ringler-Pet, McVerry, J. G., S., & O’Byrne, W. I. (2013). Multimodal response and authorship as a poetry experience. In K. Pytash & R. Fertig (Eds). Exploring Technology in Writing and Reading Instruction.

McVerry, J. G. (2012). TPACK and the new literacies of online reading comprehension. In S. Kadjer & C. Young (Eds.), Research in ELA and technology: An edited collection. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

McVerry, J. G. (2012). New literacies: Online reading comprehension, online collaborative inquiry,and online content construction. Connecticut Reading Association Journal.

Marx, H. & McVerry, J. G. (2012). A critical need for global education in our schools. ReadingToday Online. Retrieved from: -online/2012/09/28/tile-sig-feature-a-critical-need-for-global-education-in-our- schools#.ULphR9PjkhE

McVerry, J. G. (2012). In defense of narrative texts. Reading Today Online. Retrieved from: sig_feature_in_defense_of_narrative_texts_and_online_tools_for_composing_them.aspx

McVerry, J. G. (2011). Digital development. Reading Today Online. Retrieved from: 18/Digital_Development.aspx

Leu, D.J., McVerry, J., O’Byrne, W., Kiili, C., Zawilinski, L., Everett-Cacopardo, H., Kennedy,C., & Forzani, E. (2011). The new literacies of online reading comprehension: Expanding the literacy and learning curriculum. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(1), 5–14. doi: 10.1598/JAAL.55.1.1

McVerry, J. G. (2011). Critical evaluation of websites: Reading in complex ecologies. EducationalTechnology.

Castek, J., Zawilinski, L., O’Byrne, I., McVerry, J. G., & Leu, D. J. (2011). The new literacies of online reading comprehension: New opportunities and challenges for students with learning difficulties. In C. Wyatt-Smith & Elkins (Eds.), Multiple perspectives on difficulties inlearning literacy and numeracy.

O’Byrne, W. I., & McVerry, J. G. (2009). Measuring the dispositions of online reading comprehension: A preliminary validation study. In K. Leander, D. Rowe, D. Dickinson, R. Jimenez, M. Hundley, & V. Risko (Eds.), 57th yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Oak Creek,WI: National Reading Conference.

McVerry, J.G., Zawilinski, L., & O’Byrne, W. I. (2009). Internet Reciprocal Teaching: Navigating the C’s of change. Educational Leadership, 67(1). Retrieved from Change.aspx.

Leu, D. J., O’Byrne, W. I., Zawilinski, L., McVerry, J. G., & Everett-Cocapardo, H. (2009).Expanding the new literacies conversation. Educational Researcher, 38, 264-269.

Leu, D. J., McVerry, J. G., O’Byrne, W. I., Zawilinski, L., Castek, J., & Hartman, D. K. (2008).The new literacies of online reading comprehension and the irony of No Child Left Behind: Students who require our assistance the most, actually receive it the least. In L. Morrow, R. Rueda, & D. Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of research on literacy instruction: Issues of diversity, policy, and equity (pp.173-194). New York: Guilford.

McVerry, J. G. (2007). Forums and functions of threaded discussions: Using new literacies to build traditional comprehension skills. The New England Reading Association Journal, (43)1, 17-22.