Recent Articles
@anomailiy my first draft need to re-record. waay too announcery
Untangling my Views on Dyslexia #literacies #edu307
Recently I have heard from students that my comments about Dyslexia may be misconstrued to where I am dismissing the hardships students face when the brain does not correctly map letters and sounds. That was not my intention, in fact, it was the opposite. First, we have large amounts of cognitive diversity in the world.…
Healing Pains: A Poem for #MarginalSyllabus
Happy stories banal poems pain, heal write, bleed Poetic anesthesia a swipe left of the mind Stare at society through stolen glances, chances to fancy answers never found in fantasies of forgiveness phonemic foundaries of inquiries unraveling joy and pain healing through poetry #smallpoems Featured Image: phantom_student flickr photo by danxoneil shared under a Creative…
UX of Parenting: Teething
In every start-up we have sleepless nights. Yet nothing kept us up more than the pain of trying to add new data processing servers to each of the three instances we added to At first we started each instance off on a small stream of data. It was a very bespoke system at first…
EDU 307
Hey #edu307 here is your final self-reflection. You can do the form or do it as a blog post:
Today’s #edu307 #dailychallenge Read this and #comment4kids
Here is the link to join the HWC New Haven:
EDU 305
Hey #edu305 here is your self-reflection assignment: You Either complete the form or publish a page with the required links as a portfolio. In fact, while not required, that is a good self-grading filter. If your work is good enough to display to a potential community of principals, parents, and students you should give yourself…
Hey #edu307 here is the dialogical reading template: and here is the module:
Here is the link to join the HWC New Haven:
Hey #nhv #edu307 #edu106 #edu305 or anyone hanging around we will have Homebrew Website Club this Wednesday:
Here is the correct link to the reading I will fix on website:
Watch the playlist and identify word attack strategies by students.
EDU 106
Here are two more tutorials about the final: Looking forward to seeing what everyone did.
Hey everyone here I go over the checklist I am using to build my final pages and portfolios for class. I am now going to make a tutorial as I do this on my site.
Hey #edu106 here is the checklist for tomorrow’s final I am recording a video walkthrough now and then will be live coding my Portfolio page all day if you want to drop in.
Hey #edu106 here is me planning how I am going to build my portfolio assignment. I will openly license my graphic and portfolio pages so you can remix.
Hey #edu106 here is my screencast for our final. WordPress users how to add custom properties to links in your menus. #indieweb #DoOO #DeigPed #Literacies #edtechchat
Here is the link to join the HWC New Haven: