To all my students in #edu106 #edu307 #edu305 struggling with this blogging and learning thing enjoy this song about the power of lurking. Journey at your pace.

Song was written collaboratively in some of my favorite online spaces. #clmooc and #ds106

2toPonder Episode 20: Digital Mindfulness Redux by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry

In this episode I continie @mrkndvs disucssion of what does digital mindullness mean. In the last step I foucsed too much on unplugging and Aaron cam back and asked what does it mean to be mindful when you stay online. 

Hey everyone in this episode I discuss what digital mindfulness can look like online
2toPonder Episode 17: Does Reader’s Workshop Work? by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry from
In this episode I consider if we should still be using a Reader’s Workshop model in our classroom

In this episode of 2toPonder I discuss the misgivingings I have about Reader’s Workshop. #literacies
Product Hunt Radio | The dark side of the web w/ Anil Dash and Allison Esposito | Episode 134 from Product Hunt Radio

On this episode we’re joined by Anil Dash and Allison Esposito. Anil is CEO of Glitch, a friendly community where developers build the app of their dreams. Allison founded Tech Ladies, a community that connects women with the best jobs in tech.

We reminisce about the good ol’ days of IRC, Friendster, AIM, and MySpace. A lot has changed since then, yet they continue to exhibit some of the same dynamics and challenges of today’s massive social networks. We also talk about the challenges of building a healthy community on the internet in a time when careers and reputations can be destroyed in an instant. Of course, we’ll also cover some of our favorite products that you might not know about.

Listening to @anildash on Product Hunt Radio on the history of the web, dark side of the web,and how to build community.
Write What? Episode Three: Short Posts and Post Types by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry from

Like mud in the early spring all my classes begin with students writing one paragraph blog posts. In this
featured image: mud flickr photo by Nick Saltmarsh shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

In the third episode of WriteWhat? I discuss the single paragraph phenomenon when introducing college students to academic blogging. #literacies #highered #doo #digped #unboundeq
2toPonder Episode 15: Circuit of Human Reflective Activity by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry from
In this episode we apply James Paul Gee’s Circuit of Reflective Activity to the idea of Community is the Curriculum.
show notes:
Gee, J. P. (2013). The anti-education era: Creating smarter students through digital learni…

In this podcast I apply James Paul Gee’s “Circuit of Reflective Human Activity” to @dcormier’s concept of “community is the curriculum.”