@budtheteacher if we were to erroneously place products on a developmental pedagogical scale it would go: books and reading to kids, puzzles, chess, braiding, @Osmo, @ScratchJr, @Scratch, @Glitch, @Github, Local dev environment (if local dev environments should be much of a thing in the future).

I love the rewind feature. Used it yesterday to replace a bunch of edits an Anonymous contributor made after I accidentally deleted them. This was more about keeping GitHub current rather than Glitch. Just need to get into best practice of downloading and uploading after each session. Notifications of anonymous edits or line highlights when login in after anonymous edits would be nice. Will leave note on discourse if thread doesn’t exist
I like html. It’s universal. WordPress themes, on the other hand are not, different functions exist all over the place depending on the theme. I want to thank folks like @cogdog and @gwg who can keep it all straight.

Today was my first day hacking away at @cogdog’s theme to see if I could bring #IndieWeb tools. I don’t expect to succeed but I will learn a lot over the next 7 days.
Some notes:

@gwg (or original 2016 theme did) pulled many of the functions out of functions.php and created a new folder https://github.com/dshanske/twentysixteen-indieweb/tree/master/inc I will need to track where that same functionality exists in @cogdog themes and then check the path of any asset and array involved.

Template pages are not the same. I want to start by focusing on post_kinds and post_types so I learn how they work. I need to find them all first.

Feeling good. Did some major theme switching in last few days. Decided on using @gwg David Shanske’s for of 2016. We need more comptaible themes.

Today I will spend my IndieWeb hours trying to fork a theme. @chrisaldrich pointed me to David’s change logs. I will keep that open, a copy of the file in 2016-IndieWeb and compare it to the copy of my target theme.

Look at the #satchat hashtag a weekly scheduled chat of school principals and leaders plagued by spam and porn. Same bat time, same bat channel very week yet @twitter does nothing when hashtags trend or get pouplar.
We all teach the same courses. Let’s keep them as remixable as possible. If that means learning a bit of HTML..So What? It’s 2018 don’t tell me you teach writing and don’t know HTML.

But really want to encourage teachers we should own the content and communities we curate. We have all been part of upteen failed social media strategies across every literacy organization.

We don’t need a board and regs, a blog and rss will do just fine.

I want to build three-four main pieces for us folks that have hung together last ten years. Templates for us to remix for basic workflow, courses, static, professional org page, and a network of personal blogs connected through micropub. Top it off with a pedagogically driven microsub reader and I will be swimming in fun.

A few extra classes (microformats)  in our html and we can really connect to a web teachers help to shape and control.

Just go to glitch.com. From there either search for projects (some kids will get lost just playing rather building games) and remix away, or choose new project and get basic website or app ready to go. If you have GitHub repo you can download and upload.

Needs some pedagogical love. Suggest tutorial md file in projects assigned to kids. Has a some button they want me to install because Jess says so but I want to try and fork the file system into my tutorial.