I must add the vendor was quite respectful of both points faculty brought up. They said they were unaware plural pronouns were now acceptable as gender neutral single pronouns and would change their manual.

what they want to measure, “Does this person have what it takes to teach?” We just don’t know how to measure it. Instead of empowering faculty we developed a data fetish to appease @CAEPupdates They want pretty charts, good data be damned

Just because we SHOULD do something doesn’t mean we CAN do something. Read the literature. NO ONE HAS ANY IDEA HOW TO MEASURE DISPOSITIONS OF TEACHING AT SCALE. Saying anything else is a lie. Possibly worse than #BadScience #HigherEd

told by powers to be at  university of assessment, ” @CaepUpdates says the assessment is reliable and valid and they like it, so it is reliable” That is not how science works. That is how #BadScience works #HigherEd

Methods section of the “testing manual” was so light on detail you wouldn’t be able to reproduce the study…and  I still don’t know what a Pearson Correlation of .26 is “considered high” because they were measuring “content validity” means

Yesterday when I asked to see testing manual. Something you should ask of every test vendor I found this chart. inter rater reliability scores ranging from .32 - .60

We were told don’t worry about low coefficients this is content validity so those are high. What does that even mean?


Do not let @caepupdates or any test vendor tell you a rubric is reliable.  Definition of #BadScience. Rubrics aren’t reliable. Reliability needs to be established at each administration, with each group of raters, with each batch.

Do we know no history? I am not walking into a classroom of minority students and telling a teacher of color they do not speak with proper grammar. The embedded racism in such a task is just so wrong.