Not sure what team both, paid and volunteer contributors, who has been leading up efforts at MDN but massive improvement in the documentation over the last few years. Hitting the sweet spot really between documentation and tutorials.

Do wish Thimble would have had a future as the embedded editor so we could have connected the documentation to an assessment engine but having the codepen and jsfiddle examples are awesome.

Just when I thought the era of crisp yet whimsical design was ending at Mozilla…being replaced with what I could only call a “psuedo-corporate-brutalism” I go through the the tutorials of the Develop Edition.

They are fun and pretty. I am happy.

Stoked really because after just a few days of CSS Grid I know everyone will be able to do similar layouts easily. I am okay with a drag and drop web built on CSS Grid. I am already thinking about the stencils I will give to my students so we have tactile examples to play with.

I may even print some of the assets to make them fun and pretty.

I am still stuck. Awesome people built tests and been helping me for days but I still can’t publish with a MicroPub client. I did fix my header authorization so that is something. So in terms of me building my indieweb experience around WordPress, the score is 0-4 on good days to bad.

Maybe I just need to move on…but I know everyone I will be onboarding will be coming through WordPress. I need to be a model and not say, “Well I don’t use WordPress because….”

I mean things work. I can publish posts from WordPress and get webmentions but if I want WordPress to be my solution posting needs to be super quick. I can’t do that from the editor.

I am a huge fan of browser bookmarklets, so for a while I’ve been meaning to create some for the post kinds I use to better automate my post process.

Source: Browser Bookmarklets and Mobile Sharing with Post Kinds Plugin for WordPress

I am using this to try and update my Press-This plug-ins to work with post kinds. Wondering if you have to do this every time a plug in updates.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-partner=”tweetdeck”>

Cliff needs to be careful. If the university finds out how talented he is at web development they will have him rebuild the website for a bit of buy out time well below market rate.

— Greg McVerry (@jgmac1106) May 16, 2018
<script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″>

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-partner=”tweetdeck”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Flip it? What if it was Open Source? A contract to build a wiki of Greek History? Why can&#39;t building the web be considered creative activity. Professors earn royalties stay up late and probably let Gas grade to write books. Why is html considered lesser than?</p>&mdash; Greg McVerry (@jgmac1106) <a href=””>May 16, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″>