#Walkmyworld: Your Knowledge is Our Community

High Five

Taking the First Step

In the second walk we took together we asked you consider communities. First you shared a representation of yourself. An image of your identities. Yet the picture also tells a tale of with whom you travel. It affords us a peek into your communities.

Since identities can never be extrapolated from the the people, places, and spaces that surround us a representation of your identity also signifies your communities.

The Left Turn


We then asked you to broadcast this sign into our little community– #walkmyworld. Specifically we wanted you to make new connections by sending a virtual high five. Why?

Communities are knowledge.

That is why for this weeks remix installment I chose two works: Gee’s  book Anti-Education Era  and Scardamalia and Bereiter’s ideas of knowledge communities.

When teachers learn and teach on the Web and use tools like Twitter to network they build knowledge communities. Places where connected learning thrives.

You also build knowledge. Networked communities are my cloud. What the people in my circles curate are just as important as what’s in my head. In fact many including the scholars in this walk’s remix question if knowledge really exists in our heads at all.

One response on “#Walkmyworld: Your Knowledge is Our Community”

  1. Greg
    It’s logical to move from Self to Community, and then consider our Networks, and all of the nodes of knowledge that connect us all.

    PS — a line lifted poem from the last ideas of your post ….

    If knowledge really exists in our heads,
    then what is this Word I found
    engraved on my heart this morning –
    this flash of letters glued together,
    connected through invisible strands of sound,
    spoken only with the tongue of experience
    in a space that doesn’t even exist except
    where and when we want it to?
    I spoke the Word, and you?
    You heard.

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