#Walkmyworld Learning Event Two:My Virtual High Fives

CC BY-SA Holtsman, Maria.  36 High Five. Flickr.
CC BY-SA Holtsman, Maria. 36 High Five. Flickr.

Welcome to learning event two of #walkmyworld. AS we explore identities and how these get shaped by our online spaces. We want you to start and make virtual connections.

Personal Learning Network

I have an aversion to buzzwords in #edtech (especially when admin throw them around as an outcome and not a process) but here I am using buzzword du jour as a header. Why? Because I believe. PLN’s, such as Twitter allow us to grow because they open up the Three Thorne Pathways for Effective Learning:

  • Learning by making. Be close to objects. Experience the process of making and reflect on it. Let what you’re making guide what you want to learn.
  • Awaken the teacher in everyone. Peers share skills with each other. Watch an activity, do it yourself, teach it to others.
  • Think in the open, act in the world. Teaching and learning can be a political act. Leverage the web to empower yourself and your community. Share back. Participate and reflect in the open.
    for your personal learning network to grow.

My Virtual High Five

If you look at our Twitter Network you see many people and connections starting to grow. Now take it to the next step. Provide those in your network with knowledge. Share your identities.

My virtual high five (hover over the image) goes out to all the bloggers of #walkmyworld.


Virtual High Five

PLN’s exist, atleast mine, through two main channels: weekly Twitter chats (more later this week) and blogging.

If Twitter is the pipe for PLN’s then reflective blogging is the flow. Will you find your flow? It allows you to engage in a reflective inquiry process focused on growth through community and feedback.I have curated an RSS Feed of those in #walkmyworld who share their digital identities through blogging.

If you would like to learn more about building a blog check out this great post on  digital hubs by Ian. We also created directions on connecting you blog to #walkmyworld

Curating Your Blogs

Your digital identity is develops as much as what you curate as to what you create. As you share resources (usually blog posts and tutorials) you gain social capital in your PLN. Here are some other RSS feeds I have created, stolen, and remixed over the years:

#Edchat Bloggers
#ConnectedLearning Thought Leaders

(PS I blew up my blog the other day to go with a flat design and remove widgets and plug-ins…they are the adverbs of the web. This means I have some reformatting to do. I am documenting all of my makes on the backstage of this blog: https://writingwhilethrowing.tumblr.com https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com)

One response on “#Walkmyworld Learning Event Two:My Virtual High Fives”


  • Paul Allison

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