Reflection from Learning Event One: Our First Walk

A remix of 4 CC-BY SA images. Attribution Lost. Apologies
A remix of 4 CC-BY SA images. Attribution Lost. Apologies

My #Walk

Open learning and #connectedlearning reveal so many doors for new teachers. We are asking you to walk in each other world’s and explore how your identities shift depending on what doors you walk through. Tools such as Twitter have allowed communities to flourish.

As a teacher you can use these spaces for learning. You can establish your professional identies, your personal identities, and your digital identities.

It just come down to what doors are you willing to open?

The Raw Numbers

178 individual people have used the #walkmyworld hashtag. 42 have tweeted three or more times. 714 tweets were sent with 22 of those being retweets. Ian @wiobyrne tweeted the most but only 41% of his tweets were original or MT (Modified Tweets). Greg followed him up with 82 tweets but 80% of the content was original.

Do numbers matter? Is there a difference between being a content curator and a creator? Is one more important than the other?

My Take Aways

Like Ian I am excited to see everyone jumping into Twitter. The vast majority seem excited. Many shared pictures of their their front door. We have to think about our space in the world if we our to consider how our identities take place.

We mainly shared literal doors. It was a good mix between our homes and classrooms. Few of us shared and digital front doors. I wonder if we will develop new doors and explore images more as metaphors as the project progresses.

What’s Next

For each learning event, we will indicate a prompt and an easy way for you to complete the #walk. Your task is to figure out how much do you need to be pushed with making and breaking media. If completing the prompt feels like a Waterloo moment that is just fine. On the other hand if you want to follow Keving @Dogtrax down wormholes of meaning go right ahead. Just make connections while you create and share digital meaning. Connections are the real content of #walkmyworld.

While involvement in this project only requires Twitter we encourage teachers who do not already have a digital front door to start building one. Some may build classroom websites and others may start blogging.

In fact if you have never blogged before the #walkmyworld team highly suggests you begin. Reflective practice is at the heart of learning and teaching.  If you want more information om starting and connecting your blog for #walkmyworld we made a tutorial on the makemyworld page of the website.

Looking forward to our next walk together.

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