Pop-Up Remix during #HipHopEd

In a recent post on my backstage blog (I use it to describe process or half baked thoughts) I explained my excitement for #HipHopEd in order to gather some song lyrics. I am pop culture deficient yet carry some knowledge of early hip hop. I got there on a strange path long after the original tracks dropped..but that is another story.

I was excited for the chat just to archive cool crowdsourced lyrics. I would have the chance to grow a collection from people who recognize the literacy practices of all youth while recognizing that education is central to social movements.

 Gear Up

Our Gear Up students, are entering the eleventh grade–a crucial year for the college bound. This year I want to transition our text message outreach from parents (who will receive reminders and event updates) to students. We Use Remind. I will set up new classes for youth. I am thinking a motivational quote throwdown will be a fun activity.

Meme Making

Quotes make great memes and memes make great tools for learning basic HTML and CSS. In fact I shared a template I had remixed from Mozilla Learning. I hope to use these during #EDU106. o I decided to make on the fly. As I saw quotes I made a series of remixes for participants in the chat.

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In each remix I used a creative commons image from Flickr. Using Alan Levine’s Flickr CC Attribution helper I was able to use a legally licensed image while providing some amazing artists credit. In the train picture I actually remixed two images. It isn’t much of a composition. I was constrained by time as I was trying to make a few memes while also participating in the chat.All I used was the eraser and the opacity tools…Still looks pretty cool. I may keep working on it.

I hope others in the #HipHopEd community takes up the call to #teachtheweb. Hip Hop has a long history of digital arts. We need to grow this legacy while getting mroe students of color to code. Do I believe every kid should code. No, but everyone should have the opportunity to explore their identities across the web while mastering skills that can open up opportunities that have been closed off for the first three decades of our online world.

8 responses on “Pop-Up Remix during #HipHopEd”


  • Benjamin Mueller
  • VanessaVaile


  • Crystal Beach

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