Titles or Not by john john (John's World Wide Wall Display)

Since joining micro.blog I’ve been messing around with my blog and its RSS on and off. I had settled on removing the titles for status post RSS feed. This means short status posts (<280 characters) were passed over to micro.blog and displayed the whole content there. Longer posts are truncated and linked. Unfortunately this meant that microblog looks quite ugly sometimes, especially when it posts a truncated indieWeb reaction that includes a quote. So I’ve changed how it works a little to only remove titles from the RSS id there are <280 characters. This is a status post, so hopefully it will show up on Micro.Blog as a linked title. Details in this gist: functions that have do with micro.blog and microblogging that live in my child theme’s functions.php Before and after display of a post in micro.blog   Like this:Like Loading...

Ahh I think you use SemPress I am using 2016-IndieWeb I want to change the bookmark feed so the title of the post is the title of the source, needs to include link to source, and then my content. For quotes the block quote doesn’t display. I just haven’t had the time to practice making the templates and writing the functions in functions.php

One response on “”

  1. Replied to INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION by Greg McVerry Greg McVerry (jgregorymcverry.com) Ahh I think you use SemPress I am using 2016-IndieWeb I want to change the bookmark feed so the title of the post is the title of the source, needs to include link to source, and then my content. For quotes the block quote doesn’t display. I just haven’t had the time to practice making the templ…
    Hi Greg,
    My bookmark feeds don’t have the titles of the bookmarks. Nor link to them. Ones < 280 chars don’t have titles.
    The RSS templates are not in my theme but in WordPress in wp-includes. I added only one of my own for microcasts and it goes in my theme folder. It is added as a custom feed.
    I don’t think that the indieweb themes do anything with the RSS. It sounds like you are looking for daring fireball type titles/links? I think there was a plugin for that.
    BTW I didn’t, yet, get a mention from your post? Like this:Like Loading…

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