11 responses on “”

  1. @bradenslen Yeah I dont mind having the same conversation cut across multiple spaces. Though having to type in the url correctly in WordPress for an @ mention on micro.blog a PITA.

    Can’t send webmentions from WordPress, or atleast haven’t figured out how to keep the conversation correct when replying to a reply on microblog.

  2. @jgmac1106 If I post on WP and it gets posted to MB. Then somebody on MB replies on MB I get the webmention on WP. That works.

    Now if I reply to the MB reply on WP it just stays on WP. But if I come to MB and reply on MB, my reply gets webmentioned back to my WP blog. I think.

    This is why it’s hard to explain Indieweb to anyone. You have to show them.

  3. @jgmac1106 Weren’t you also having trouble with WP and mentions? I was having a hard time validating until after the Indiauthor plugin got updated like 4 times, then no problem. Once in awhile my webmentions go funny (maybe) and I’m thinking it might bt Webmentions2 plugin conflicting with Sampress. Right now stuff seems to be working so I’m not touching anything.

    It’s got to be hard to diagnose the difficulty in your case because you are always doing exciting, cutting edge Indieweb stuff.

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