So is a webmention. Just a bit smaller and all done in html. You can read more about my adventures in webmentions and badges, here.
Sending My First WebMention Badge
As part of my goal in building the #IndieWeb course template I wanted a proof of concept for badging. Chris Aldrich has created an amazing stream as an open participant in his class. He sends a webmention to every post noting he has read the assignment or watched the video.
If we combined this with a webmention credential I believe we can create an assessment system for distibuted classes.
How Did I Do It?
I used @glitch and made a manual webmention
<div class="h-entry"> <div class="u-author h-card"> <img class="u-photo" src="" width="40" /> <a class="u-url p-name" href="">J. Gregory McVerry, PhD</a></div> in reply to: <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="">IndieWeb technology for online pedagogy</a> <p class="summary"> <img class="u-photo" src="" /> You earned the <span class="p-name">Module 1: Who Am I Badge</span> in EDU522: Digital Teaching and Learning Too <p class="e-content">To earn the M<a href="">Module 1</a>: Who Am I Badge you provided evidence in your post of meeting the stated criteria in module one. Your post described your goals for the class and you successfully sent a webmention</p> <a class="u-url" href=""> <time class="dt-published" datetime="2018-08-04T17:15:00-0700">August 4th, 2018</time> </a>
I then manually sent this to Chris since my course is not (yet) set up to send or receive webmentions. That meant visiting his post and just adding the link to the badge.
Next Steps
This is still just early proof of concept. I could never add a manual html file for every student and then for every module. Eventually some input fields and scripts will be necessary.
I also need work on building the system into my course so it can send and receive webmentions.
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